The problem is that most of time this is a scam. The statement may claim to be a registration for your domain name, ensure that your website remains active or an annual website domain listing on an internet directory. However a quick internet search of the company name could reveal the truth.
What Can You Do?
There are several things to check if you receive a notice like this.
Save all domain statements. Do you remember signing up with this company? Usually domain registration renewals will come via emails. When you registered your domain, you received an email. If you save these emails, you can easily review which company your domain is registered with.
Can you contact them?
While looking over the statement, is there a phone number? Most of these scam letters do not have a phone number listed. They do not want it to be easy to contact them. But if there is a phone on the document, call them and investigate. Don’t just write a check because it looks legit.