Successful marketing will fuel a successful business. Many small business owners question whether they should invest time, money and resources into hiring an outside creative marketing agency. Many business owners struggle with the decision of whether they should tackle their marketing plan themselves. Doing this they may miss out on key elements of their marketing plan, such as blogging, graphic design, social media marketing or a well thought out website design. Tommy House Studios would like to explore the benefits of why you should invest in a creative marketing agency.
1. A creative marketing agency can identify marketing opportunities to help your business venture grow.
Creative marketing agencies bring a fresh perspective to your business. Allowing an outsider to come in to learn your business and analyze your marketing strategies will help identify new opportunities you may have been missing. By looking at your brand and business, analyzing past marketing strategies and identifying your target audiences, a creative marketing agency, like Tommy House Studios, will be able to recommend insights and opportunities to expand your business.
2. The world of marketing is always changing.
Just like everything in life, marketing is always evolving with new platforms and innovations. A creative marketing agency will be able to keep up with those changes and offer suggestions and solutions to compete with the marketing landscape at any given time. A creative marketing agency will be able to offer solid marketing advice for businesses looking to improve their marketing techniques.
3. A creative marketing agency will save you more money than hiring a qualified marketing employee.
Considering the cost of a base salary, health care, 401K plans, paid time off and the costs of other benefits that come with hiring a marketing employee, you could save over 50% by hiring a creative marketing agency to handle your company’s marketing strategies and vision.
Helpful Tips
Other good tips to keep in mind when hiring a creative marketing agency is to first communicate. Communicate with your agency on what your business is about and who you are trying to reach. Let your agency know what your short and long term goals are. Second, request references and samples of the agency’s work before committing. And third, be up front with what your budget is. Letting an agency know how much you have to spend will help them develop a proposal suited for you and your business.
Contact Tommy House Studios and let us help you develop a plan to take your business to new heights. Although, we are located in Montgomery, Alabama, Tommy House Studios has clients all over the country. We bring together technology with creativity to enhance the ability of our customers to connect with the world. Call us at 1-877-246-1315 or email at and let us help develop a marketing solution unique for your business.