Your company culture is one of the biggest factors that determines whether your business will succeed or fail. Because if you don't have your team members on your side and passionate about their work and the work your business does, your company is not going to succeed.
But how do you build an awesome company culture within your business? Here are some things you can do so your team members are on board and fired up about the work your business is doing.
HiringIt's important to realize that you can't build a great culture in your company if you hire the wrong people. You know what they say about a bad apple. Well, a bunch of bad employees will definitely ruin your culture. The only thing to be done in the hiring process is to take your time.
So many employers hire someone after two, maybe only one interview. There is no way you can really know a potential employee after one or two interviews. There are companies that take a couple months to meet with interviewees and their spouses before making a hiring decision.
But we need someone right NOW! Sure, you may get lucky and hire the right person after just one or two meetings, but the cost of hiring the wrong person is not just financial. A bad employee can sink the staff morale as well as drop the productivity of your whole company. Even after the bad employee is gone, it could take months or even years to get the morale and productivity back to where it was. So please take you time when hiring.
Lead WellWhat do you think of when you think about a good leader? I think of Richard Winters. Winters was an officer in the United States Army during WWII and is featured in the "Based on a True Story" miniseries Band of Brothers. He lead Easy Company when they parachuted into Normandy and when I say lead, I mean he lead. Winters lead by example and was always out in front on all missions. To be a leader, you must have people following you.
Good, clear communication is another important factor in being a good leader. Dave Ramsey says, "To be unclear is to be unkind." Don't leave your employees confused about your instructions. Good, clear communication is a key to being successful.
EncourageThere is nothing worse for a company's culture than to work in a place with little to no encouragement from the top. The only time an employee gets talked to is when they have done something wrong or made a mistake. This is a mistake! If you are the boss, then attaboys should be thrown around everywhere when your employees are doing a good job. If and when a team member makes a mistake, kindly correct the mistake and encourage them to do better next time and let them know that you know they can do it!
No gossip! Gossip is the killer of encouragement. Negative chatter has the power to destroy everything you are trying to build at your business. Gossip kills unity, loyalty and your culture. If you do not have a zero-gossip policy, then create one immediately. Apologize to your team members for not having this policy and then enforce it. If someone is caught gossiping, the first offense is a warning. The second is a firing.
ConclusionGreat culture is so important for your business. Another important aspect of your business is online content. If you need help with online content for your business, Tommy House Studios is here for you. THS offers services in website design, social media management, SEO and more. We are dedicated to you, the customer, with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. Let Tommy House Studios help your small business with our online marketing services in Montgomery, AL and around the country. You can
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