Have you ever been overwhelmed with the amount of choices there are for entertainment today? Even from the comfort of your own couch, you have thousands and thousands of movies and TV shows at your fingertips through streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon, with more and more services starting every year. If you are bored on a Friday night and want something to watch, how do you choose?
Some of the streaming services have discovered that users want help with this, so about five years ago, Amazon began recommending products that you might be interested in based on previous purchases and people were amazed. Today, most people want recommendations for another binge-worthy series from Netflix and get frustrated with websites that don't deliver personalized content.
The question is how does your business provide a more personalized experience for your customers? This may be a new concept for many small businesses out there. But first things first, we need to dig into what this concept is all about.
Define Dynamic ContentDynamic content refers to elements of a website or email that changes depending on a user's information or past behavior. For example, an offer on a website might be different for a first-time visitor than for a customer who has bought from the site before. Or a banner ad might change from user to user for a similar product that the user bought last week.
Basically, dynamic content creates a unique experience for each user based on how they have previously interacted with your business. So instead of everyone seeing the same content on your website or receiving the same email, the information is different from user to user.
Other Examples of Dynamic ContentWe've already seen examples from Amazon and Netflix, but what about other companies that use dynamic content properly? Google is another company that uses dynamic content. Most people have probably searched for something "near me." Google uses your location to delivery personalized dynamic content. Therefore, someone searching for sushi in New York will get different results than someone searching for the same thing in Los Angeles.
Domino's also uses your location to give a user the closest location. And if you are signed into your account to order online, Domino's will display your last several orders so you can easily reorder your favorite. Many online retailers do the same thing if you want to reorder a pair of jeans you really enjoy wearing.
When you signup for FitBit, you set health goals for everything that your FitBit tracks. Then as it tracks your exercise, sleep and weight, you will receive emails about these goals throughout the day.
ConclusionWe will give tips about dynamic content and how it can work for your business, in the next blog which will post on October 15. In the meantime, if you need help with your business, Tommy House Studios is here for you. THS offers services in website design, social media management, SEO and more. We are dedicated to you, the customer, with a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. Let Tommy House Studios help your small business with our online marketing services in Montgomery, AL and around the country. You can
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